Weatherford Supported Services
Below are services we offer. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help!
Open Hole Logging
Services Provided with
Weathrford Technology
* Gamma Ray
* Spectral Gamma Ray (potassium/thorium/uranium)
* Compensated dual neutron
* Density/photo electric effect (PE)/Caliper
* Array Introduction(resistivity)
* Focused electric (shallow resistivity)
* Laterlog (salt system resistivity)
* Spontaneous potential (sp)
* Borehole Navigation (surveys in open hole only)
* Micro imager(borehole image which requires processing via (Weatherford or other)
* Micro log (mud cakes, or mud logs)
* Compensated sonic (monopole sonic)
* Dipole sonic
* Cross dipole (dipole + navigation for orientation.
* Geochemical Spectroscopy instrument (elemental or minerology)
* Formation Tester (fort worth specialty - pressure and flow rate)
* High resolution temperature
* Two arm caliper